Politics In Command
Politics In Command (POLICOM) is a podcast based on anti-revisionist politics, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The political line is everything.
Politics In Command
On Bourgeois Philosophy
A discussion with Mateo Andante and his writings at Bourgeois Philosophy.
We discuss how bourgeois thinking penetrates philosophy departments all over academic institutions in the US, how this impacts the worldview of the working class, and the necessity to combat it with Marxist philosophy.
Mateo was a co-author of the book, On Necrocapitalist: A Plague Journal. Published by Kersplebedeb in 2021 at leftwingbooks.net.
Since this recording, Mateo has unfortunately passed due to an illness. We commemorate his life, his work, and his legacy with this episode. We suggest reading a farewell blog post by Joshua Moufawad-Paul: Yet Again the Weight of Mount Tai: Farewell Comrade Mateo.
Music by Space Baby, listen on Spotify, YouTube, Bandcamp
Resources from POLICOMM: